Saturday, 25 February 2012

Do you sew?

I was doing a bit of web surfing (is it still called that) or perhaps time wasting and while doing so came across the cutest sewing project.
I found a place called DIY Dish who were offering a free downloadable PDF pattern for a dressmakers form pin cushion. As well as the PDF there's a video showing how to make the pin cushion.
I've come down with a bad cold today and tomorrow is my boy's birthday but I have added this site to my favourites and hope to make this pin cushion some time soon.
I've no idea how to include the link except to copy and paste it here - thought someone else may be interested in making on of these.

This really appeals to me and I love the look of these variations.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The Boys

I've completed a layout for Base Jump challenge using Sheree's sketch.
I've taken the journaling from an email I sent my parents (who happen to live on the other side of Australia) about this day.