Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Scrap the Boys and Heidi Swapp

So this months challenge at scrap the boys is "Man's Best Friend". I have gone with boy's best friend with one of my all time favourite photos of the year. My son and I took our dog to the park on the weekend and I happened to have my phone handy. I snapped a few pics and this one stands out to me as the best. I love the expression on both the "boys" and I am so happy I captured this moment. Ben and Cooper do have a close relationship and Ben loves coming on walks with us. I will admit that my journaling is pretty weak to say the least but I loved this layout so much and wanted to share it here. When I'm feeling more creative (writing wise) I will update the text.

As for my Heidi Swapp component of my post title I was fortunate to be one of those that attended the Make Pretty Things session here in Perth. Wow, what a great location and terrific food. As for the classes run by Heidi and also Kim Jeffress; double wow. All participants got so many terrific products to play with and take home. In addition we all got taught by both these amazing and talented women. I had a great day and learnt a lot.
Here is a layout I created using lots of products left over from the day. I entered this in the final Make Pretty Things Challenge on Facebook.