I printed this photo up as a 5x7 and had it half scrapped for around 6 months. I love this pic of Ben and my mum laughing in the background. For some reason I was never able to finish this page. I think I was over thinking it and was never happy. The current challenge (yeah, I know it's a bit last minute on my end) was to use a photo larger than the standard 6x4 so this page came out for another run. I ended up pulling the original to bits and went with this simple format. I'm glad I've finished it and now it will be displayed on my wall until my next favourite layout comes along.
This is the first layout I've done in some time where I haven't used any Heidi Swapp products. I'm kind of obsessed with HS at the moment. She has released so many gorgeous products.
Here's a recent HS heavy layout about my daughters 13th birthday cake.