I feel like I'm in with the in crowd now with the latest papers and embellies. Great value for money and beautiful current fashions. Can't wait to get scrapping.
Could only find the image for the Honey Be Mine kit but just wanted to share the love.
This post is just my opinion and I am not employed by or paid by Paper Stories. Sometimes when things are so nice you just want to share them with like minded people. Hope to share some of my layouts soon. Just looking for a little window of time between entertaining the kids and feeding my hubby etc etc.
LOVE the kit! Might go have a gander! Just to let you know (Sorry it's taken me forever) that you have won my RAK from the stuck sketches birthday blog hop, if you could e-mail me at rainbowsandwhimsy@hotmail.com with your address that would be awesome, then I can send you your goodies :D love and peace xox