Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

Whooohooo...happy new year.
Hope you've had a terrific Christmas and new year.
Our family certainly have.

My kids went to town with decorating their gingerbread houses for Christmas. This is a tradition we started about 4 years ago. The first gingerbread house we made the kids decorated together but by the second year they wanted their own house to add their own finishing touches too.
Here's Ben with his "work of art".
 Demolition followed the day after construction.

Here's Sophie with her creation.

As is typical of most peoples Christmas and new year celebrations we ate to much, went to the beach and watched lots of movies. Since it's been hitting highs of 39 degrees plus here in Perth for the last week or more there hasn't been much else to do.

Hope to start scrapping soon but this heat isn't too inspiring. Best wishes for the new year and thanks for stopping by and reading. Below pics of me and my kids. Thought I should show my face. Cheers

1 comment:

  1. Testing, testing...does this go to my email account?
